Common leaf

Common leafCommon leaf
  1. Epidemic Forecast and Yield Loss Estimate on Alfalfa Common Leaf Spot Disease


  2. Lucerne common leaf spot : forage quality , photosynthesis rate and field resistance


  3. Study on Excised Leaf Tissue Inoculation of Common Leaf Spot in Alfalfa


  4. The most economical and effective way to control the common leaf spot disease was the breeding and employment of disease resistant materials .


  5. Field occurrence and epidemic dynamics of alfalfa common leaf spot ( Pseudopeziza medicaginis ) in the mountain area of southern Ningxia


  6. This form of meningitis can not be transmitted from person to person , it 's caused by a fungus called Aspergillus , a common leaf mould .


  7. The laws of field development of major diseases were researched , and the correlation between field development of alfalfa common leaf spot and powdery mildew and precipitation were preliminarily analyzed as well .


  8. They will provide evidence for the identification of alfalfa germplasm with common leaf spot disease resistance , and also provide basis for the construction of the marker-assisted selection system . It will improve the selection efficiency , shorten the breeding period .


  9. The electric binding machine has the advantages of convenient operation , reduced labor strength , improved labor efficiency and low cost , and is suitable for being used by common tobacco leaf planters .


  10. No difference was observed between the two tetraploids and common diploids in leaf age , tiller growth and flowering habit .
